41 year ADING
DearADING employees,
From distant 1969 has passed41 year. Then started story called ADING,story whichgoes on through time which is part of our lives and part of our reality.
We have worked for 41year, strive, exist, fight, live, go on. Today we are together here, in our yard, in front of our factory, in front of our second home and our pridein order to celebrate one more year of our operation.
41 year Ading is synonym of vision, persistence,honesty, inventiveness and energy. As we mentioned once, that which represent love in life, that is Adingfor construction industry.
41 yearwe build something which people recognize easily and brand in which they believe.
Today our company in publicity is identified with words:
- quality,
- tradition,
- pride,
- idea,
- energy,
- enthusiasm,
- persistence,
- decisiveness,
- future.
- When we say quality, we think of our numerous products, clients satisfaction through years and safety of constructions enabled by products.
- When we say tradition, we think of 41 year existence, longevity, continuity, respect which we have in our country and wider, standards and safety which we offer.
- When we say pride,we think of what everyone of us feels about our company, but Ading makes our country proud. Our engineers and experts are present in 13 countries in the world, travel, make a way, conquer, dignifiedlyrepresent us and our country.
- When we say idea, we arethose who sell “ packed mind”we are always searching for new solutions, formulations and technologies, innovating and finding out.
- When we say energy, we think of everyone of us from the youngest to the oldest employee of Ading. We all, together are included in everyday challenges, we depend one from other, we help one another, inspire and support. All present here put an effort of their energy and they comprise every our product, and part of us is built in every our construction.
- When we say enthysiasm, may be there is no better example. We only think of years passed back and we turn to history. All started with one 125 litters concrete mixer, 7-8 employees, manual laboratory and only one product plastic mortar. Today only turn and look at aroundwe will understandso easily who we are today.
- When we say persistence, we think and remember all difficult moments in our existence, but even and then again we have risen and have stepped forward. Just that gives us strength and faith to go on and today, time when we face with the greatest financial crisis which we have ever remembered.
- When we say decisiveness for us speak actions, speak our firms and branch offices all over the world. We are faced every day with competitors of globalizedmarkets, but even at the most difficult moments we make daring decisions, something which maintains us in life and which make us more different from others.
- At the end when we look forward in future, ADING is company which will go on together with generations which come. Thanks to their ability, devotion and faith that and they are part of a different family, they will go on to create future generations from experts. These Ading employees will furthertell Ading story and will cure our wish, “to be constituent of every construction” somewhere less, somewhere more, but to be sufficient, to last that eternally.
On behalf of Board of directors of Ading AD Skopje
I congratulate You the 41 st Ading day and I wish You to celebrate it for more years.
Today traditionally as every year11 employeeswill be awarded Adingprizes for 10,25 and 30 year work in Ading together with the Trade union president of ADING Engineer Miljana Kaevska.