ADING annual share holder’s
On May 14, 2009 ADING annual share holder’s assembly take place. At the same time, the new Supervisory board was elected, due to expiration of the last Supervisory boards mandate. The fallowing members were elected: Mojsovski Blagoja, Stojanovski Boro, Belev Aleksandar and Ivanovska-Vukelic Milica – independent member.
General Assembly adopt annual account and annual report, as well as decision about distribution of dividend according to dividend calendar and approve work of Board of directors for year 2008.
The integrated text of annual report and decisions are revealed in investors section.
The New Supervisory board of ADING is constituted on May 21, 2009, by election of Mojsovski Blagoja for the president of SB and Stojanovski Boro for vice-president. At the same congress Supervisory board reelect the members of Board of directors for next four years mandate:
1. Doncev Blagoja - President of Board of directors General manager of company
2. Filiposki Petre – Vice-president of Board of directors vice-general manager
3. Petrovski Zoran - Member of Board of directors vice-general manager
4. Karatukov Donco - Member of Board of directors and Assistant general manager, Head of related companies BC ADING and INVEST A
Karanfilov Ljubco -Member of Board of directors and Head of related company INVEST-A
Part of the atmosphere through photos