Ading on Adriatic Fair of Construction, Budva 2011
Traditionally this year, ADING with our representatives for Montenegro, " Gjurishikj and Kum" was part of 33 - th Adriatic Fair of Construction in Budva. Besides the visit of our regular customers and associates, news were presented from the production program for all interested visitors. The stand of Ading was visited by Mr. Aleksandar Vasilevski, macedonian ambassador in Montenegro.
Покрај посетата од нашите редовни клиенти и соработници, на сите останати заинтересирани посетители им беа презентирани новостите од производната програма. Штандот на Адинг го посети и македонскиот амбасадор во Црна Гора, г-дин Александар Василевски.
This years fair, more than 300 participants from 30 countries were presented.
For event photographs, click here: