Award for Corporate Social Responsability
Within corporate governance in companies this year Institutional development center (CIRA) issued call for nomination of prizes for social responsibility leader for 2009.
On.May.26 was held ceremony for signing of memorandum of understanding between enterprises founders of Business leader forum and Institutional development center. The ceremony was conducted by his Excellency Ervan Fuere special representative of EU and Chief of EU delegation.
ADING AD was nominated in the first category for social responsibility of enterprises for “ Responsible relation towards employees for 2009” and was awarded the first prize in the category , specially designed statuette and praise.
ADING was awarded a prize since company is responsible towards state, pays taxes on time and regularly, and specially towards its employees. It pays them salary on time, bonuses for special efforts, takes care of their permanent instruction through seminars, congresses, promotions ,fairs ,promotions and etc. The company improves permanently work conditions and operation equipment, promotes talents and their abilities ,takes care of their health and safety, has transparency in working, information about essential company solutions, which means has good internal and external communications. It is also promoted trust among employees, there is no pole, racial, age, social or handicap discrimination , is respected legal regulation in all segments of working. Employees have transportation, hot meal, the social categories of employees are helped for special occasions (weddings, summer vacations, funerals, fuel, scholarships and etc)
In companies selection have worked commissions of government institutions, business sector, civil sector, medias, last year winners and CIRA.
The awarding of prizes was held at gala – event of May.27 at M6 EDUCATIVE CENTER.
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