First Working Conference on Exports, 2012
Within the First Working Conference on Exports for 2012, on the subject "How and where to export more and better" organized by Kapital Media Group, the Macedonian companies that create the export in the country took part, among the others, also Ading. The aim of the conference was to help the export companies in Macedonia to increase the export, to improve the export capacities and to find new and potential export markets.
The conference was opened by Mr. Valjon Sarakjini, the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Macedonia and representatives of the Ministries of Agriculture, Foreign Affairs, the Customs Administration of Macedonia, the Macedonian Bank for Development, the Agency for Foreign Investment and Export Promotion and several Macedonian export companies and banks had their presentation.
Our representative Mr. Goran Jovanovski, a Director of some of our affiliations spoke about the experiences from the foreighn markets.
"Considering the fact that it is difficult to place “a mind” packaged in a form of a finished product on the Western markets and that the biggest world corporations for a production of construction materials are derived from these Western countries, it was naturally that Ading concentrated itself on the eastern markets, on the countries from the former Soviet Union and on the Near and the Middle East countries, where the Yugoslavian product was established for years as a quality product and it was well accepted on those markets. However, Ading entered the EU market, through its own company ADING BULGARIA and the factory in Pernik, Republic of Bulgaria." - declared Jovanovski.
"The conquest of the markets poses a problem. For a successful conduct of that battle, large financial means are required and a facilitation of all barriers on a bilateral plan, as the visa, the customs rates, the double taxation and a strong lobbying by senior government officials and institutions, which implies a necessary strong logistic support from the native country.
Unfortunately, on many of the markets where Ading is present for years, we can say that it has the function of an "ambassador" of our country, which says enough about the support that we have on those markets. "
For photos from the conference, please lookhere: