Professional presentation – products, systems and experiences
On 03 March 2017 at the Congress Centre of Skopje Fair, our engineers gave a presentation. Based on the experience gained from several different projects and by showcasing examples, they presented the solutions we offer as a combination of our products with the products distributed by Biznis Centar Ading.
The following topics were covered:
- We discussed about our concrete admixtures, protection systems and technologies for building infrastructural facilities;
- Sealing active water ingress in reinforced concrete structures by showcasing the example of the Budosh tunnel in Montenegro;
- Waterproofing systems in undergrounds parts of buildings by applying waterproof concrete, securing concrete joints and concrete placement methods.
Part of the discussion also included waterproofing systems for bathrooms, balconies and flat roofs, as well as the possibilities for installation of a green roof.
For any additional advice, consultation and information related to these topics, feel free to contact our team of engineers at anytime at + 3892 2034 840.