Support for the magazine „Лице в Лице“ (Face to Face)
On 16th of October 2012, ADING gave its support to the magazine „Лице в Лице“ (Face to Face). After a previous coordination with the Publisher – The Center for media activities, an organized group of the magazine street vendors visited the Head Office of the company.
Briefly, they introduced themselves and the magazine too and they had a successful sale.
The same action was organized on 17th of October 2012, but this time, the host of the magazine was our daughter company Biro Proekt.
The magazine is focused on socially responsible topics such as an environmental protection, a demarginalization of groups and individuals, as well as issues related to a cultural development. The vendors are members of vulnerable and marginalized groups, and 50% of the sale is a profit for the vendor.
ADING continues its activities, as socially responsible company, which represents an important segment of our business.
For the moments with our guests: